Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

he randed king or became king more often than any other player i know

Why does Arete keep randing noot?

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swear fealty is a good meme it seems

it technically prevented a convert in fol24

shurian just made sure that we secured the kill :eyes:

Aroot rhymes with Noot

noots out

Yeah, that seems like a logical explanation.

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Noots in.

i claimed D1 alch in FoL27 and died N1

the only alchs who claim d1 are the ones who intend to side against scum
so good

you’d be very surprised

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I want you to smile more



i do unironically think archer would be good for ToL if evils were buffed a bit

It’s… uh… the other way around?
Claiming Alch D1 is lazy
And claiming Alch means mostly that you are betraying BD as soon as possible
And claiming Alch means you are not trying to fish kills into your stoneskin

to me claiming alch d1 means you want everyone to leave you alone
meaning you intend to not stoneskin early and bomb scum late

I mean if I ever rolled that, I’d be like “haha Arsonist go ignite”.

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last time i claimed alch D1, i bombed the prince and a very confirmed noble and went afk

didnt die

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i have videos of me doing that last one :eyes:

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