Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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not perfection


okay fine make a meme class for me
it’s not like it’s going to be extremely predictable or anything

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is this when we all ask vulgard to make classes of ourselves

because i like to see how people meme me :eyes:

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I’m S e l f r e s o l v i n g.

Also, can we get another small Arete story?
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smol aret
smol aret
smol aret


Vul, I feel like this should be my ability :^)

Bulletproof Ninjas

Neutral Social
Two Heads Are Better Than One (Passive): If there are any hydra slots in the game, they will have priority for receiving this role.
Speak (Day): Become locktown (infinite uses)
Vote (Day): Vote for a wolf (infinite uses)
Psychically Influence The PRs As VT (Night): Target a player. They die. (1 use)
Ensure the game ends by the end of D2.


Blue Dragon Investigative
WiM (Passive) - As long as you have above 50 posts on any given day, your investigative checks cannot be tampered with during the following night.
Mount Doom (Day) - Turn today’s lynch into a plurality system where the player with the least votes will be lynched at the end of the day (randed between multiple players with the least votes if necessary). The lynch type switch will be publicly announced. (1 use)
Deep Read (Night) - Fullcop a player, learning their alignment and full rolecard.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.


Unseen Investigative
WiL (Passive) - As long as you have below 50 posts on any given day, you become modrevealed as a member of the Unseen at the end of the day.
Mount Doom? (Day) - Turn today’s lynch into a plurality system where the player with the least votes will be lynched at the end of the day (randed between multiple players with the least votes if necessary). However, if a rand occurs, members of the Unseen will be prioritized in the rand. (1 use)
Shallow Read (Night) - Learn if a player is a member of the Blue Dragon or not.
Defeat all threats to the Unseen.


it’s 5 AM and I’m having to focus very hard to string together anything resembling a complete sentence

but I can try? do you have any general thematic requests, to help me to come up with a specific story?

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I mean I told a story about my crush so now it’s your turn.
That was a joke btw, I don’t care what the story is about so long as it contains smol Aret.


Please go to sleep.


you guys would have fucking won had you chosen Mount Doom

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reminder that i was a wolf


manual like


let them give smol aret stories

you also requested a smol Arete story and the two are mutually exclusive

of course i wanted a strongman kill n1

there’s a reason I, a wolf, didn’t want Mount Doom!

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You’ve never had a crush?