Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I hate this whole mindset that they instill on kids so much.
“If only you were more likeable.”
“If only you were normal.”
“If only you weren’t the way you are.”
Its disgusting.

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the reason nobody stopped me is because nobody could, by the way, not because of neglect

Our head teacher in primary was obsessed with us holding hands while dancing

I want it noted for the record that I tested the ‘if you don’t put your hands in your pockets people will think you Like Yourself and not bully you’ hypothesis and it turns out that’s not how things work

this is off-topic but i’m reading fol 25 rn for the first time and why was marshal towny af as a neutral in comparison to his recent v games

It sounds like if you set your mind to something, you’ll do everything in your power to accomplish it.
Which is an admirable trait.

oh, we’re talking about the weirdass things the Head Teacher did?

Our Head Teacher forced the best students to stay after school to read advanced literature that one time!


Also is it just me or does it feel like the religion numbers in the UK (at least Scotland) are realllyyyy outdated?
I actually can’t recall a single catholic/protestant person in my school.

No please don’t read that.
Also, I immediatly knew he was Inq.

The headteacher was extremely nice but also very weird, when I think back on it nowadays.

that seems really weird but possibly because I’m used to the US (and more specifically, used to my US high school, which was one of the more Christian public schools in the area)

For what purpose.

oh yeah our school was inhabited entirely by athiests and agnostics too

They never said.

All of our primary schools are catholic.
I don’t know why. I still believe that there are more atheists than catholics now.
I think those numbers are off. Like, way off.

to be fair one of the dynamics at play is that students sometimes were atheists/agnostic when their families were Christian

pretend that sentence has words that make sense

actually our school pretty much was like that becuase it’s the only nearby school not to be named after a saint

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We have a few ‘Saint’ schools nearby.
Everyone at a catholic school is either catholic at birth (no longer catholic) or it’s just in their local constituency.

without getting too into religion, there was of course that time when two Orthodox Jews explained all the child-friendly bits of the Old Testament to us in assembly and then left without explaining how they got invited to the school

apparently it was arranged, though

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I don’t think I’ve seen a single religious school in my country.
And this says something since I used to live in the capital where most of our population is. There’s just flat out no religion subject here (thankfully).

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