Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i’m not exxagerating
it was written down nowhere
it was told to you nowhere
figuring out when you were supposed to give your copy of Artemis Fowl back was guesswork

also, half of the library was filled up with a single fucking series of mass-produced books

Wait, you are saying that you didn’t have library cards or anything similar?

i couldn’t be bothered to figure it out because the thing was that there was no librarian, or at least nobody who was known to be a librarian. of course, they were probably a TA, but where a TA was at any given time was a matter of guesswork

the library was basically a byzantine network of rules that nobody would tell you, or at least that’s how it seemed. more likely it was a lawless wasteland.

see I can’t tell you which it was because I do not have a clue what the rules were.

also an entire wall of it was taken up with textbooks that obviously hadn’t been read in years

That sounds like fun times. Our ‘library’ was a small, crammed room that mostly contained ancient and outdated books which no one would ever use, but at least we had an actual librarian and they were present most of the time.
Also we had a very strict returns system, so you couldn’t just walk out with a book and forget to return it later, or you’d be hounded by your teachers.

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I did eventually hand my copy of Artemis Fowl back, you’ll be happy to know.

Responsible Ici confirmed :eyes:

Did I mention that the Library was an open-plan chamber directly next to half of the school’s lockers?

The only thing passing for walls were the bookcases, but they were doublesided, so to get some of the books you had to go outside of the library chamber to get them.

That sounds like an excellent way for some books to go missing forever.

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Right, but nobody took any books out because nobody knew how exactly the library was supposed to work. I was the only one, and even then that was becasue I was having a particularly bad week and they needed an excuse to get me out of a lesson, and being given time to read a book in the library seemed a good enough solution.

That school is largely where my interest in the aesthetic of complicated, dead structures and twisted bureaucracies comes from, by the way.

That sounds fascinating. I wish we had something similar – one place in school that was avoided by most people, but I think the closest thing to that would be the nurse’s office but then again, that place was locked most of the time.
Yeah, you read that right. The nurse’s office was literally locked on most days.

And that’s a wonderful aesthetic. Envy intensifies.

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Anstreim, you should spectate Randomizer.

I never was allowed to stay there because being inside during breaks was illegal. Yes, you read that right as well. There was a library but no clear time of when you were supposed to take books out.

What the actual hell was your school.