Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

yes but this was during an Assembly, right before break.

yeah, otherwise it would actually be covered by the janitors

The Thingᵀᴹ at my first school was definitely worse.

the incredible thing is that the pee on the floor was absolutely the worst thing that ever happened
there were no massive things that prompted all these weird security things

This just sounds like a massive waste of time for said students. What is even the point if there’s no place to sneak into.

i don’t know but it was a fun time, since we got to experience the… cameraderie of being a Night Watchman in a below-average fantasy novel???

Do share, because I’m trying to remember any weird accidents that happened but I’m drawing a complete blank, aside from that thing above.

Well that does sound infinitely cooler when you describe it that way.

Uhm… I think that would be stretching the limits of PG13.

Which should say enough about the nature of the incident.

it was really cool actually
doing an irellevant and pointless task that takes no effort whatsoever with somebody else who you happen to actually like was great

The more I dig the more it feels like I’ve completely blocked off memories of my school because it was not a good experience whatsoever. Which is a shame, because I’m sure that there was something that would be worth sharing but I just can’t remember it.

Oh. Well, that does indeed explain it, I suppose.

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I can however, tell you another short Medium Jane story instead.
I guess you don’t want one.
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Just post it you nerd.

Medium Jane Story #2

So, I was just sitting in class, unbeknownst to me, The Thingᵀᴹ had recently happened.

(For reference, it happened during P.E. which was right before the lunch break and this was the class after said lunch break.) I could never partake in P.E. because I had to go to special “How to study” classes that year because the adults in my life thought I needed those since I’m on the spectrum.

So all of a sudden, the principal comes into our class, explains what had happened, and asked if anyone had seen anything while I just said there quietly in the back of the class.

So, everyone was saying they didn’t see anything in turns (That’s always how that goes, I don’t know why they bother.)

And then suddenly, someone asks me if I had seen The Thingᵀᴹ and everyone turns around.

(I’m like really shy and I hate standing out, so commence operation internal screaming + blushing.)

Then someone said, “No, he didn’t see anything, he was one of the first to leave, after us.”

And then I was like Wtf I wasn’t even there.

But then someone else said “Wait, isn’t he in that special class?”.
Me: silently nods.

“Oh yeah, so he can’t have done it.”
“He’s too nice anyway.”

And them I’m like AAAAAAAAAA compliments help.

And that’s basically the story.

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Did you read it, fellow nerd?

imagine sleeping
can’t relate



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