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dont make me ping wazza

the tea hating brit

I wish we could reeducate him because tea is great.
But alas.

and more lies you can tell yourself

You like alcohol, therefore you have no say in this discussion.
Your tastes are already inferior.


I drink herbal teas

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i like the effects of alcohol more than the drink itself

and when you drink enough you either learn to like it or you suffer more

here’s a middle ground: water

here’s an extremist compromise: alcoholic tea

Honestly, the more I think about it the more I’m convinced that fruit teas would be the perfect oreo dip because:
-They have pleasant taste on their own;
-They aren’t sweet, so you won’t feel like you are getting diabetes;
-There are a lot of different flavors that would probably compliment your oreos well.


Burn it.

water is good but water doesn’t make me not sober

I primarily enjoy peppermint tea with a generous amount of honey
followed by lemon herbal tea

neither are probably great with oreos but i’m willing to try


lots of things can make you not-sober kat

does not mean they are good

Peppermint would probably be alright if you don’t mind it.

but if it tasted good it’d be an even bigger problem if you think about it

I could chug hand sanitizer rn

does not mean it is in any way good at all

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I’m not against aclohol

but I think it ranks below water 7 tea


i’ve figured out the code

dip oreos in vodka :sunglasses:

are you sure, I heard it kills the virus

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now an opinion that everyone can disagree with

no silly, that’s lysol

and i’ve alread drank enough of that

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But It works as well right?