Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

They’d be in zoos probably, and then the biggest one will escape, and then Chris Pratt will save the day

wait fuck

that’s the plot to jurassic world

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Do people fear rhinos?

fun fact i know someone who’s celebrity crush is Chris Pratt

does not matter

but i think it’s funny

would people fear dinos if it had existed alongside them for thousands of years
reminder that these are herbivores that do no harm except maybe sit on you

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I am a failure


there we go

thread updated

change it to water


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we have a mod on our side
ha get rekt

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c’mon chloe

this is lactose intolerance oppresion

you have become the very thing you swore to destroy

a lactose intolerant mod :sunglasses:

but i have enough lactaid to last a lifetime

what if someone’s allergic to water

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wait does lactaid expire

i forgot

uhh they prolly dead omegalul

There are people allergic to the sun and water


uhhhh probably

i have 2 gal right now