Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

does king still have point? and are they called ekekekekeeekekekekekek when they don’t point?


yes and yes

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a meta i think should be started is maids asking to be happy houred d1

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why maids :eyes:

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2 free cop checks
confirms drunk
makes maid less likely MM

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Kind of a waste of a HH tho

those can come in clutch late game

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needs more “Marshal”

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Sorry was playing raft

On it

except now there’s no Pretender and Obs is almost balanced

wait what did they do to obs

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Read the above post and cry

its FoL observer without little bird

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that is

way better

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Don’t do this to me.

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split it into a tracker and a watcher

I said ‘almost balanced,’ I didn’t say whether it was a good change

but it was a good change

I knew you would say it anyway.

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it’s okay

now maids the strongest invest, like it should be

said nobody ever

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Can we go back to Maid with only Nosy Servants.

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everyone knows the strongest invest is Noble