Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh okay

For a ship to be stable, it should ideally by six times longer than its width.

remember to report all crimes to your local police officer :clown_face:

Idk who they’re sending I’m not actually a part of the society just the facebook group

Someone is breaking social distancing rules officer!

i know ur uni now get rekt

They’re probably gonna be pretty bad tho I went to a couple of irl games and they were pretty average.

i can now narrow hippo down to 539 people

ez get doxxed

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what is the 5th letter


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im the most attractive of those 539 ppl easy


Mention Pretender being added back into ToL as a joke. People don’t get the joke.

they were the only comminuty with society in their name

and then the thing that came before it is a british uni

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also i didnt realize my uni was the only one sending a team when i saw it i kinda assumed loads of places wld send similair reps lol

Everyone alive today has the same father. He is called Noah.

damn you smort

I do find it weird that your uni would send a team especially if they haven’t done FM before

My university had a chess team. I don’t think I ever heard of a mafia team in my uni days.

I think they do do FM but they’re mainly irl. I went once and did pretty well as a vt but my girlfriend hated it cuz she was blackmailed the whole time (which was p funny tbf) so we never went back.

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a chess team isn’t suprising
neither is a mafia society

but like sending a uni mafia society to mafia champs is a little :man_shrugging: