Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



katsay isnt taken on minecraft


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ami i can check your logs out again if you wanna send em later

looked like photon shit but
might be able to figure it out

Yay! :smiley:


we ahr waiting for you katzay

i have no idea how to do this

which buttons do i press

or what do i type in chat

am boomer

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are you still trying to change name or do you have minecraft open now

both technically

ill prob change it later

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also ami are you playing too

do you have the hive on serverlist

and whats your ign

i mean
i usually play with the rule take a shot if i kill an inno as an inno and i got work tommorow

im in the server im not that boomerish

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wait are you koolkat LOL

i wanna play buildbattles but i dont remember how to build anything

and i dont even know what blocks are in minecraft anymore

i havent played vanilla since before they re-skinned shit

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bro i wish my name was as cool as koolkat


fuck it im changing it to katsay

one moment gamers

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you should play trouble in mineville with us

wait no kat

keep your name so everyone can find your social media profiles