Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

what happens if punisher claims for no reason

“Quick lynch the punisher so we can mass claim”


lurking noises

sulit lurking lockscum

Of course it’s serious.

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this is true, i was the person who knocked firekitten out

about as weird as that time you guys lynched an NPC which was intended as a distraction with no free will

italy’s master plan

you do realise that that class benefitted from people not talking about the Manticore, right?

I did this?

When did I do this :sunglasses:

i convinced the entire court that the manticore grows more powerful instead of weakening every time you say its name
therefore since derps said its name A BAJILLION TIMES court had to kill it

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Vulgard please stop mod confirming that roles aren’t in the game you are limiting wolf claim space

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it’s an enabler that self tailors

it wasn’t that needed

only because you had no idea how to use its’ day ability

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Idk what the punisher is but it sounds NSFW

god dammit litten

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i used it on zone to figure out what it did because my IQ is somehow below single digits
i used it on derps as an obligation
i don’t know if you actually randed it or if you forced derps to receive the notification because lolbastard but it was perfect that he was actually notified

only trying to keep this a SFW place :upside_down_face:

litten i can still change my mind tbh
i’m not gonna host this for at least a couple of months still

no I did actually rand it