Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I guess it does leave room for players to guess why someone didnt get killed and others did

or have a scum out the whole team in DVC

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I have just seen some of the worst claim-related ideas ever ama


this topic

Only skimmed but like

I’m p sure they were jokes

I hope

What would qualify as the worst possible claim-related idea ever.
No top 3’s, just the worst thing you’ve seen.

how is it worse than modkilling for flavour talk in a 100% flavour-AI game with at least a dozen obvtown characters in-play

those are the only two possible options in such a game @orangeandblack5
if not, pls elaborate on a third way

flavor safeclaims (+ not putting all the main characters in and giving some of them to scum as safeclaims)

this is almost always how this is handled, LotR was an exception because Luxy didn’t have enough leftover characters to give them to scum as safeclaims

tbf I was including that as one of the “worst”

they will flavour claim which will make ppl not lynch them which saves a lynch

and scum has to usually kill them if flavour is ai

That being said I have no idea what your “two cases” are but there is no way that there’s only two ways to handle anything

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I claim vanilla townie

Get it


/claimvig Chloe

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/claimvig Kasumi

pretty sure the worst idea I’ve ever seen, claim-wise, was role-based anti-claim in which the host poisoned anyone who people weren’t pushing out of the belief that they had a town PR, including people claiming wildly different roles (e.g. a Motion Detector claiming Tracker)

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gonna do political compass FM

Okay what the fuck

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That’s… Several levels of messed up.