Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

you have to claim to be the orangeandblack5 or you don’t win

I still haven’t done this as a Fool. Probably because I don’t play as frequently these days, but thanks for reminding me to copy it into my doc.

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Am slightly disappointed we did not actually have an orangeandblack5

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Make one.

You can’t fight love with fire

I’m talking about in BotF

ive won doing it as fool quite a few times

fool is ez

Yes but have you won as a Cult-siding Alchemist by bombing the Prince for the Cult and being attacked twice :^)

wait but you said fight fire with fire

wait wtf nobody made one for grand idea?

yeah but love isn’t fire

Arete when they host an all-jesterfool April Fools turbo:

please get this joke

try fighting love with love

maybe the same logic applies /shrug

but thats gay

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not if you say no homo

oh shit you right

@Chloe ily (no homo)


this is a lie and we all know it :eyes:


Okay but do you think alch will roll in my cult setup

we narrowed down katze gender to chloes

maybe they are both cats