Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

your a liar

one of us
one of us
one of us

i meeeeeeeeean if we’re throwin out bops

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its obviously pigmon or sistep

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can we start sabaton thread so i can fan girl as i descend this rabbit hole

heh. im supposed to record myself singing that for choir

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i cant stop you

and i won’t discourage it

but we can do it all here just to piss everyone off

im listening to it on nightcore tho as i do everything

true and that is a much better option


i don’t like nightcore for like 98% of the songs ive heard

but im curious now :eyes:

lol i love nightcore for all lyrical music that i like

samuel farina has done good sabaton night core

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you have the most random taste in music and its fantastic

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it’s become
Kanye/Select shit from the people in OF/Sabaton/Folk Songs

alright this isn’t bad

but i still prefer the non-nightcore version

i could live with this tho


do you listen to avett