Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


I don’t think colored text in general is bad. Using colors to distinguish factions and whatnot is fine, Chloe’s message was more of a meme anyway.
What I do not enjoy is needless abundance of colors. Especially in big spreadsheets and what not – it just doesn’t look good. Not to mention that my personal dislike of colors stems from a very different reason that isn’t related to this.


Some people are born with impaired color vision.

If your color vision is impaired, being a pilot would be problematic to say the least.

It looks just fine in light mode and its also an alright color.

now I’m mildly curious

Spoiler alert to outsiders: half of what i say to ans is a meme making fun of him

ily ans

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“life is too bleak to pretend it has colors”

did a colour kill your family

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Thats fair. I will say that i think its possible for spreadsheets to use color (aside from small spots for accents) and to keep it tasteful, but at least most of them dont,
and on the personal reason bit, like sure man thats fine.
but overall, that makes sense

Ici how did you know.

Little Miss Sunshine is a great film, the son in that wants to be a pilot but finds out he’s colorblind.

are you chasing after the man who killed your mother, who wore a biege/purple colour scheme

He caught you red handed


Black white good! Color bad! :sheep:
Something like that.

Have you seen my spreadsheets, Simon? Not necessarily the same format as action spreadsheets for hosts but in general.

It’s ok Ans. You can talk about it with us :slight_smile: .

i use black and white spreadsheets with colour for allignment or occasionally just differentiation of concepts

i like blue

No. i know its completely possible to do basically any spreadsheet without color, though
its just that color, if done tastefully (which again is rare, yet possible), can just make some things more consistently easier to grasp and organize.

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