Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

so guys about that religion mafia someone wanted to host one day

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Religion mafia

Politics mafia

Religion and politics mafia?

Now that is art

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Make certain religions cult leaders

easy profit?

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The only religion or politics mafia that would work is an EIMM

Talk about religion and politics can go

Also can we have an exception for Scientology

Cuz every1 can agree that Scientology sucks

and people who don’t can’t use the internet anyways

This is about forum mafia not religion or poltics

Is that the NK game?


Like neutral showdown

Goal is to be the last one Alive or last few people alive

Everyone is aligned with themselves

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Neutral showdown :upside_down_face:

See I always thought talking about religion and poltics here was fine because nothing bad would happen

it turns out whenever something bad can happen it will

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I mean I thought “everyone will respect other people and be civil”
And for 90% of ppl here that would work.
It’s just

There’s always that one guy



Things are fine on the ami server even with some very different opinions

That’s why we can’t have nice things

I wish we had nice things

I wish I had a firekitten

Political compass FM when

Upick game with that theme