Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

:eyes: That sounds weird

i have one that can knows the entire table

including stuff like atomic mass

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Is that person me

I can english

Because thats kinda my major

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I have no idea what implications people took from that but my intended point was that reading upside-down isn’t hard

I have this memorized by heart

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do you know how to blink morse code

because for a period of time said person had to wear sunglasses during tests to prevent cheating

Marshal I’m afraid to say that you are a nerd.

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I only did it for the attention dummy

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i got someone banned immediately for joining the discord server with the n word in morse code. like, half a year ago

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i learned morse code for fun in high school

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i set my text tone vibration to the morse code for penis for like 2 years



every text i got

would vibrate out the morse code word for penis

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did it take 2 years to finally get a text

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Thats so

Teeneger of you

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no my mom texted me regularly


Chloe go to sleep.