Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

thats not a moat. moats are not necessary, but they should protect the castle on at least 3 of 4 sides if you intend for it to be a moat

why would anyone ever play anything but a caster

I say, knowing nothing about WoW

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Harley is my banker
I made Chunli because of Chunli off of street fighter
Zamii-Warrior I was leveling with a friend
Kluke I was leveling with my brother
Snowst I wanted a hunter then I decided I was just gonna make an allied race hunter
Obviously I have a DK and Death Knight made

congrats on the cookie?


No I just delete alts if I don’t like the playstyle.
Also the reason I have two identical mages is because second is purely there for professions + different questline choices.

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good thing for you then that there’s a class literally called Mage in the other setup I keep forgetting to cue

I’m getting to that lol

Idc what anyone says

Im picking the cookie number after the next one

Its like, 8k from this one so, i’ll wait until 2 more cookie numbers

whos idea was 16161


I was thinking of doing 17171 but i didnt know how to grammar

For some reason my brain was like


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of course it was arete

What the fuck did I just read

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thank you for making me read this

Just waiting for @Chloe to update the op

i’m kinda motivated to make a tol smp mc server

what the heck is smp

I’d play on it

after I finish castle

What the heck is castle

Survival multiplayer