Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

U have potential to be like 50 tbh

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like ik ur not

but like if i reset all age knowledge and had to choose someone who was 50

it would be arete

By my posts, what age do you think I am?

i r 50 yr old

The :eyes: kind of ruins it.

also I’m 19

Well, I was going to guess 20. I guess that’s not too far off. As such, I will give myself a celebratory self high-five because I am desperately lonely. Please send help.


You have us to talk to. :slight_smile:


you implied you’re an adult

…31? that’s a totally arbitrary number


also typing like a civilized human being is too much work

i don’t need to look professional here :sunglasses:

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Yes I’ve indicated that I haven’t been a kid for a long time so there.

Math’s the oldest person on the forums whose age I know to any degree of specificity (he’s somewhere in his 30s)

poss is also a 30s something

I think he said 31 somewhere but idk

How old am I?

you know i want to say 14

but it’s probably 17-19


Wtf How did u know that I am 6


cause ur name is 6 letters duh

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isn’t Emilia’s age outed info
