Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Age has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence but wisdom
I’d say the age to be intelligent enough for forum mafia is 10. I have a 60% winrate over 1100 turbo games when I was 10-11.

And even then wisdom is about the experiences you grant yourself; age just happens to increase the quantity of experiences and therefore you are more likely to have more wisdom

i agree

Kyodaz I agree with you. Sometimes the younger generation do things and you wonder “What on earth are they being taught these days?” Then again it isn’t as though we were perfect ourselves. We are human and we do things in error.

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Age and intelligence do not go hand in hand

Or i wouldn’t be such a dumbass :^)

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when you’re a character who is basically predicated around being a paragon of justice in an unfair land but the story demands that you say justice is an illusion

I’m 23 so you aren’t wrong, but I could definitely see people thinking that I’m 17 from my posts.
Something to work on and try to improve, I guess. I’m not enjoying my memery that much either.

You definitely do not seem 17
You seem like someone who played Classic WoW for weeks on end

I actually started playing WoW in the the very end of BC but quickly dropped it. Didn’t come back until Cataclysm and took another break during majority of WoD (I regret missing out on all the easy gold).
So I guess that’s somewhat accurate.

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i mean
i’m 17
that’s a reason somebody would not want to be 17


I honestly thought you are older, Ici. And by that I mean ~20-21.


surprised katze noises


your posts don’t feel like they were written by a seventeen-year-old

then again neither do most of the posts on this forum by actual seventeen-year-olds

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also, good morning


yes I have a certain skill in doing that
it’s a nice substitute for the ability to do basic independent tasks :sunglasses:


Oh trust me, I’m not good at being a competent human being either. Even though I “should” be because of my age.

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fuck, really?
you sound so much older

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i knew you were p young

I was under the impression that I was making a clown out of myself here, N.1.
So I’ll take that as a compliment.