Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


and now I’m going to sleep

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this may or may not be correct, but it’s how I say it

why tay
i’ll never be able to pronounce that correctly, i’ll always end up defautling to ti instead



oh, sulits awake

time to go to sleep

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it feels weird to make the te rhyme with tea when there’s only one e

imagine sleeping
this post was made by woke up at 1 AM gang


Good morning Sulit.
You are up early today.

google translate pronounces your name as “uh-ret”

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okay but what if i told you its almost 8AM and ive been up since about 2PM yesterday

am i justified to sleep meow

Kinda my dog woke me up again

I need to close my door so he can’t get in but then my cat can’t leave

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then Google Translate is wrong

you should have slept hours ago

but how can that be

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Braixen is someone who I can never figure out if their playstyle is to look like he’s a troll or if he is a real troll.

if i google “arete” the way it pronounces the word there is “uh-rate”

wikipedia says that ἀρετή (greek for “arete”) is pronounced /a.reˈti/

Perhaps it’s best I don’t know.