Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

add tavernkeeper :eyes:

josh prince joat prince

tol has a bus driver already

and making tol cw more like fol cw would probably be a bit ridiculous

altho gimme fol merc

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mods asleep
make tol more like good parts of fol


Gib Acolyte

i dont think its likely that ToL ever has FoL level of feedback again

but it’s fun to dream :eyes:

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see you say this

but then I go to the feedback channels and say things like ‘what if … only two unbypassable strongman kills on a virtual IC’ and people get mad

acolyte was a thing for a whole day once

Yeah it was certainly a thing :^)

this reminds me that i made a ToL NK while i was bored the other day and i showed it to only 2 people

Cool NK Name
Neutral Killer

Cool DI Passive Name (Passive): You are immune to death (at night) and bleeding.
Cool Not-dying-to-counterattacks Passive Name (Passive): If you use generic attacking ability on a target that has a Knight guard or is a bearing Hunter, occupy yourself, bypassing immunity.

Bewilder (Day): Silently disable target players day abilities today. (1 use)
Chemical Injections (Day): Choose a serum to inject tonight. (usable day 1)

Chemical O: You will be occupy and redirection immune tonight. (2 uses, 1 night cooldown)
Chemical P: Guess a player’s class. If you are correct, empower generic attacking ability to bypass everything tonight. If you are incorrect, you will do a normal attack. (2 uses, 2 night cooldown)
(by everything, I mean the only way to stop this is if you’re jailed that night)
Chemical X: You can target two players with generic attacking ability tonight. (1 use)
Chemical D: Choose 2 targets. Tonight, the first will be redirected to the second, or, if you picked the same target twice, they will be occupied. ,(2 uses, 1 night cooldown)

Generic Attacking Ability (Night): attack (infinite uses)
Less Generic Attacking Ability (Night): Select two players. Attack the first, bypassing healing. The second will be unable to vote tomorrow. (0 uses, gain a use every time you are occupied)
(this ability is vulnerable to hunter bears and Knight guards)
Wincon: do the NK thing

im sure nobody can find any inspiration from FoL here

thank you for coming to my TED talk


I remember ans made a version of mind flayer for ToL

Mind flayer in ToL would be
Controversial at best given mindstorm :eyes:

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any real anticlaim in tol would be lit

inq doesnt count

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D1 inquisitor claim

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and also a nightmare to code potentially


thats part of why im not too keen on making actual class suggestions

‘if you want to stop the massclaim meta from being a thing you need to make it not work’
‘also here are some ways to make it less effective’

‘but what if instead we make it so that people have to wait five seconds after casting a vote before changing it? this will solve all our problems’

wasn’t it kape who suggested this

but arete, casting your votes is toxic

we need to restrict it

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katze: has opinions and memes, posts

arete: image