Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i wanna host a FoL turbo

with ToL feedback

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see, you say that

but once the game starts you will be so completely overwhelmed

bruh no


Host an FoL Turbo with ToS feedback.

if I hosted this right now do we have 5 people who would want to play

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i;d play but i cant guarantee awake-chloe thoughts

okay but

i swear one day i will host some sort of setup with ToL level feedback

and then it will remind all of the ToL players why ToL feedback is overpowered


No Neuts though.

please no
i actually played here when we had tol feedback
it was so bad

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wolves could never win a game
the only time they won a game was when fool was lynched and we knew who the wolves were but literally couldn’t do anything

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isn’t this an improvement :^)

or when lolrevenant existed

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revenant was like
lich but bad

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i looked for the revenant classcard and was gonna suggest it for the neutral competition

but then pretender

That’s the thing that dies N1, right?

idk if you know what it was like but essentially it was a neutral killer who died n1 and possessed a person’s body. you had to lynch that person to kill the nk
the problem was that there was absolutely no way to tell NK was inside somebody
and they could also periodically swap bodies so even if you DID get it right they could still bail

it’s like bad lich because you have to literally guess
they could also talk in thread all the time so wifom was laid thick

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doesnt sound broken at all

yeah no this is fine absolutely