Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Well, role, but whatever.

prob ret or some shit

Highly doubt it.

well it literally has to be town cause loltos

and its prob one you don’t play often because thats how statistics work

You’d be surprised.

wdym it’s not
if you post you’re automatically deepwolfing

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i won a game as sk because i posted and pushed people
that’s all i did

and a couple of mechanical tricks too

and then you get absolutely violated by mechanics and 3 random town and 90% of town being mechconfirmable

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Depends on how good town is tbh.

I posted in my ToS game as Mafia and it didn’t save me :frowning:

Yeet. I rolled Plaguebearer.

admittedly I spent like three days trying to push on someone with a (possibly provably? not totally sure) fake redcheck before they killed me

you also completely misunderstood how transporter worked

if you didn’t then you would have had a 200000iq bus on the mafioso and a fuckton of towncred

instead you both died

I thought it was like a CW that also told the people it targeted

Wait were you in that game, kat?

it is

but you were claiming an impossible result iirc

i forgot the specifics

i was in both games they’re mentioning

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i lynched a legitimate doctor by ccing doctor and then didn’t get lynched
it depends on how loud you are i think

my thought process there was ‘I have no idea what I’m doing and I’m probably going to get lynched soon because of it, I’m just going to call someone Mafia and take them down first’

and then I called them Mafia and they didn’t get lynched

and I didn’t really know what to do about that

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but i admit i got fucked by mechanics frequently

bg is to tos what knight/maid are to tol