Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i think i brainfarted

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vulgard OWNED by facts and logic

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it was extremely funny
they may or may not have been a child judging by how they played

tos average playerbase age is probably pretty low

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no its too complicated
it even has not the usual plurality/majority


Lookout knows who the Mafioso is but doesn’t realise it because of Transporter.

It’s ok. I mean surely 5 players isn’t that hard to find?

Also it’s nightless, so no. I don’t play nightless :stuck_out_tongue:

okay this one is kinda long so i will hide it

The Legend of Night, or how I met a Mafioso who was so bad they ended up being funny.

Friday, the 30th of December 2016. A Ranked game of Town of Salem, in which I am the Mayor.

After around three days, I am dead, as well as the Witch, Godfather, and Mafioso.

Obviously the Mafia isn’t doing well. From the Town, the only people dead when D5 started are me(Mayor), an Investigator and the Jailor. The Werewolf killed nearly the entire Mafia, N2 and N4.

However, Witch made it even worse. In her will, there were three confirmed roles: the Werewolf(Carl), the Sheriff, and the hero of this story: Night, the Disguiser, by that time turned Mafioso.

We, the dead, think: “Meh, easy Town win. All evils left are in Witch’s will.”

Yeah… apparently it wasn’t enough or sunlight was very strong that day and blinded all citizens of Salem.

Nobody even cares about Witch’s will. Instead, day 5 an Escort is lynched, suspected of being Any Consort, and a Survivor is confirmed through chat(he claimed very early into the game). He was jailed on a full moon and the Jailor was alive, so that settled it. Reading Jailor’s will took the Town some time apparently… but at least they confirmed the Survivor.

Night 5. I’m having a nice chat with the Mafia. There is no Medium, so the mafs tell me who Night - the new Mafioso - is attacking… the Werewolf. The Werewolf confirmed in Witch’s will.

Day 6. No maf kills, actually no kills at all. Town keeps shouting at each other, no leads at all. A Vig is lynched that day. Night is accused afterwards, but claims Medium.

Night 6. Night, who apparently is a very determined person, attacks the Werewolf again on the full moon night. The mafia is laughing extremely hard, and so am I - I’m getting live footage of Night’s deeds through the dead Mafs, who don’t really care at this point.

Day 7. Werewolf killed the Doctor. Night isn’t accused at all despite his Medium claim being questionable at best. Witch’s will still lies unused, the Werewolf and Mafioso outed there are not targets at all. The confirmed Sheriff is voted up, but he is not lynched. The voting is 1/1 though, with Night abstaining and Carl the Werewolf voting guilty. The inno vote was the “Random Town”.

Night 7. Night has a few options. The Town Protective is dead and so is the Jailor, so he could go for the confirmed Sheriff(it isn’t a full moon). However, knowing his strategy, I say that he will probably go for the confirmed Survivor. Survivors are evil, aren’t they? Mafia burst out laughing. Night actually went for the Survivor, who admitted D5 that they had no vests left…

Day 8. Survivor died, there are five people left: the confirmed Sheriff, the confirmed Werewolf, an unknown Town member, the Any and Night, who has already earned quite a reputation among the dead, including me. We watched the legend as he claimed Medium once again. No one is lynched. The Any is still silent.

Night 8. Night decides to go for the silent Any, who we believe is a Neutral Evil role. Not the confirmed Sheriff. Not the possible Random Town. The Any. We can’t hold our laughter. According to Night the Legend, Werewolf is apparently “strong”.

Day 9. Werewolf killed the Sheriff, Night killed the Jester. Werewolf, Random Town and Night the Legend are the only people left. Fortunately for Night, the Random Town votes the Werewolf up and so does Night. Carl the Werewolf barks a bit, but he gets lynched.

Game over…?

Night 9. Night decides… not to kill anyone. He believes the Random Town isn’t Random Town, but Witch. Dead chat is completely wild.

Day 10. The Jailor is revived after 7 nights of being dead with Retri, the Random Town, alive. Night is surprised when the Jailor says “You and I are going to have a long talk, (Retri’s name).” The dead chat is going wild as Night is voted up and acts surprised. “witch?” - he asks, completely shocked. The voting phase begins and as Jailor immediately votes guilty, he says “She is dead.”

Night’s last words.


Night has been lynched. His role was Mafioso.

Town won.

And thus, after 10 days and nobody reading Witch’s will, the game ended with a Town victory.

The Mafia wasn’t even mad at Night. They congratulated him, and so did I. I was in awe of his skills.

I hope I will meet this amazing player again.


Jailor chainjailed the Retri and then executed him for not reviving.

so wait

does this imply that the Sheriff never checked the Mafioso??

town was just as bad as the mafioso

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im in awe of the sheer stupidity

sounds like a good laugh though lmfao

witch’s will had both remaining evils outed and they didn’t realize it for the entire game

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“Sorry, made a bad play.” “Can’t do anything about it.”

im dead


also retri reviving night 9 when they could’ve done it any night before

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