Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Because eevee just edited it.

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It was at 16161.

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I just think out of box.

Why to bother getting post of certain number, if I can just chose which post to get.

Fine, whoever gets post named in a title gets a cookie. Have fun.

Noone? Fine.

I will set it back to normal then.

You hade a chance for easy cookie.


Why bother posting when you can just edit OP because you’re a mod?


I’m going to assume that tiny purple thing is supposed to be Belgium.

Oh god oh no


It used to not exist but got it’s independance :^)

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It’s a scary sight indeed.

i didn’t expect the UK to secretly be china 2.0

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Sweden, Poland (Commonwealth) and Italy broke it.

how’s the UK?
how’s scandanavia?
back together


what happened to portugal

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what happened to norway

Sweden killed Norway a long time ago but UK still had some land there.
Additionally, Iceland and Finland are still independant so Scandanavia ain’t existing yet.

And for UK (Red), they formed a coalition against Italy (Dark Green) for being aggressive and that failed, France (Dark Blue), Spain (Yellow - Who actually won their wars), Romania (Magenta) and Czechoslovakia (Brown) went against Italy (Dark Green), Commonwealth (Pink), United States of America (Dark Blue on the right) and Turkey (Lime)