Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

How long would a cat take to eat lunch?

Guess the flag of the 8 great powers I suppose.

something special

but it aint workin

I really hate how discourse makes me have to refresh every 2 seconds.

Xblade is doing this so we move to the discord instead :^)

i’m not alone here?

Iirc this only happens when two or more people send their messages at once.

Are you?

hungary, china, france, liberia, north korea, sweden, 2 other versions of china

i keep having to refresh the page


this is kinda our fault since we are overloading the servers

okay let’s all spam our messages at once.



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Italy, Soviet Union, Can’t remember, America, Turkey, Sweden, China, Spain

would servers be like… not overloaded if we deleted old cookie thread

do you think that’d make it so that posts actually fucking loaded

No that wouldn’t help at all

7/8, gg.

Belarus is the flag you missed.

this is golden experi…

Is that Wit-Rusland?