Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

New uninformed majority game (with all new neuts and NKs and other cool mechanics™) in the works

You still have the superior color, be happy!

You have to cancel the subscription renewal for it.
So in theory cancelling it now, then renewing it next month, then immediately cancelling it after donating should keep your beautiful crimson color.

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And they’re all guaranteed to spawn.


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thats what im doing. But if you cancel a subscription, the money count doesnt stay, it lowers. Im just subbing on a different account



broken lines small town or huniepop small town

I just noticed my titles gone, idk what i should change it to

anything less than teemo prince in a game with cult majority is a crime

which to design and host first

I wan gren back D:

Speak, dat

Yes but the donations still go through. At least I was very much charged so it seems like the count itself only counts active subscribers.

Here’s a teaser


Gaudium Cattus


Yeah but if the count is below $106 we might not get cookie

Marshal stop burning my eyes.


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oh ok, yeah thats fine

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