Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Remember that guy who was in the song I was on about.

his net worth is literally over a million

ur a qt

(The guy from my school who participated in the song btw)

Maybe it was your incessant DMing to me that made me think of you.
Or maybe my subconsciousness picked up on you trying to flirt with everyone. You choose.


So why the hell was he expelled

didn’t the devs make stardew too

i dont flirt with everyone i just love everyone

Hey Italy, you are cult

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He was suspended for making tiktoks in school, then I think she left.

my networths over a million robux its not that hard


actually wait im shifting the blame to the wrong people

fuck chucklefish

the devs are cool

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italy is copper confirmed

imagine like… using tiktok

Ah, that makes more sense.
Still, that’s… a thing.

holy shit really?


he made over a million from doing a tiktok dance and participating in a dance with a musician who made the song that he danced to.

everyone laughed at him as he did the dance as well lmao.

what the fuck

tiktok be wack

so here’s a story
when i was very young i completely flooded a school bathroom

and only got one day of ISS for it
your schools were definitely way stricter
here’s the song btw, he shows up at 0:51.