why u heff to die n1
I’m fixing my sleeping schedule so you don’t have to stay until 7 AM every morning, because it results in you getting less than 8 hours of sleep and I feel awful about it.
we’re talking about a completely different game u dummy
why u
to lev
in 99/100 worlds
after i receive my alignment my team loses
the 1/100 world is when you get converted right
Princetaly carried BD in FoL though.
Which is why I always convert you in GI turbos :^)
but I don’t want you to end up sleep-deprived either
and please don’t blame yourself just because I make bad decisions
He needs to not be sleep deprived once I open up signups for SFoL 61 :^)
things that have been confirmed to be true
italy WILL lose
italy can and will shoot you
italy is most likely a catgirl
You aren’t making bad decisions Arete, you are suffering from mine.
Also unlike you I’m used to the process by now so its much easier for me to shift my sleep than to force you into doing it.
Not like I’d consider it in the first place.
italy is either
a. a catgirl
b. a class with kill power
there is literally no exception
any exceptions are fake
there is actually one exception
c. both
or both
that hasn’t happened yet
Add a catgirl with KP to GI.
theres catgirl knight/hunter/prince already
I think that exists