Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

or am I just dumb

I am but I swear I’ve accidentally said I was 19 before.
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Ah, nevermind!

I totally failed to deliver a Medium Arete story earlier, didn’t I

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arete you should totally queue this game of ToL at 4AM

and not sleep

What do you mean?

It’s 11 AM.

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I don’t know these people in the tol queue

who are these

Hahaha you nerds will never guess what name I picked.

looks :thinking: at Jane’s title

What do you mean? That totally isn’t me.

Well, that sure was a game.

that was a fun game of throne of lies

except it wasn’t


my two top scumreads that game were both neutrals

and we accidentally lynched the mastermind

and i got occupied 3 out of 4 nights

6/10 would be a sheriff again

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Must be a fake account

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are you insulting neutrals by calling them scum???

given one was a sellsword and one was a scorned i’d say calling their social play during the day “scummy” is justified

the actual unseen just weren’t talking



But neuts are bad

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not going to lie, Alice hard-pocketed me in Randomizer by complaining about randing neut

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You don’t agree with me because you have your own reasons
But since I have x reason that validates my opinion to be greater than yours because I am a toxic™ forumer