Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

How to win as town

Don’t massclaim and lose d1 to the nk

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step 1: have a mystic/vig/watcher

actualy i need to post this in the GI thread one sec

Yeah I’ve seen the swap. It’s a good change in general but I just don’t feel like its going to be enough, but like you said there’s no data to compare.

Just don’t

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you’re not incompetent

also Mastermind received those buffs because of the number of games that were being solved more-or-less entirely with mechanical confirmation

while it’s almost always optimal to go TK/CW, the fact that the Butler whose occ was seen on Gossip could be MM makes it much harder to mechanically lock games

this is less of a problem in Cult games because Cultists have more similar-to-BD abilities

If I had to yolo a buff I’d allow second starter to choose which cult they are

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anstreim is typing “cult alts” as we speak

But this is not sleep geyde
Who makes god awful decisions


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one of them was something like ‘people keep blocking my locker during the passing period and I don’t have enough time to grab my stuff and get to class’ and my advice was ‘try carrying the things you need for multiple classes at the same time so you don’t have to go back to your locker as often’

the other one was … something about someone’s friend failing to keep their secret? … and I forget what my advice was but the newspaper person changed it to ‘literally never tell anyone anything ever’ (this is hyperbole but still) which wasn’t even what I had said

we only actually ever made two issues, because after that one of the newspaper advisor’s kids got sick

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Cult alts lead to feast or famine situations where some converts blow others out of the water to ridiculous extents

Isn’t that basically what happened in FoL 27 anyway. There was mechanical info from Exhumes which cleared people, there was Empower that outed Alice, and there was Bounty which confirmed Napoleon even though he got converted right after.

Also Ritual devolved into talk about mechanics for the biggest part of the thread and look what happened.

Oh and Randomizer where half of BD was mechanically confirmed by D2 but we don’t talk about Randomizer. :^)

This actually sounds reasonable and pretty good overall, to be honest.

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Even if they were all theoretically balanced it would still be variety for the sake of variety
Which is no

I mean that’s not bad advice.

Kill me

Yep, there are always going to be ‘best’ alts while others are never going to be picked.

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Geyde go to sleep already you nerd.

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one day it will return in a GI game

prepare thyselves

he was converted N1

Haha I’m totally great at this.

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In general we’re okay with some amount of mechanical confirmation/mechanical leads

no one is saying ‘remove Sheriff, it can find the Assassin, which allows the game to be mechanically solved more easily’

but the sheer number of people who were managing to get off 1 action that confirmed them as not-starting-Unseen was kind of excessively high

but it wasn’t what I had written and she didn’t ask me before changing it