Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

im really glad i hosted with kat the first time around

cuz im really comfortable voicing my opinions to them
and im not afraid to call them a dummy

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I might just do what I did with Randomizer and make a private chat with the hosts.

ur a dummy

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“i dont think anyone can do actions if im alive”


Don’t do that or I’ll invade it.


Hi areet

can you figure out the mystery that is Tailor

I just want to read Ans’ walls okay? Also other Specs will probably just be memeing.


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What’s the point in reading my walls if they are all meaningless and wrong.

Didn’t you actually get some people right on them

i could actually make flavor designed around guide hosts too
which is why it’d be better to have chloe, arete, kat or any combination of the three co-hosting
but i definitely wouldn’t be able to host alone

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the two players who have 0 clue how channel really works were the channeled and channeler

i love cheese

They’re fun to read and sometimes correct.

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Or at least

Did better than the average BD

im too lazy to find ansterims randomizer chat but i dont think his reads were bad there

I’m still very much inept and most of them were nobrainers, so I don’t see a reason to bother.

Leave the goddamn chat already.

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dont publicize em if he doesnt want em

but yeah hes a gud readur

Ok ans

If you spectate a game and guess all the groupscum d1 you gotta play games after that


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