Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

what the fuck

how is chrome inferior


I’m conversion immune


Why would I want a browser that hogs my memory and devours my information + lacks support of certain extensions, when I can have all of that elsewhere.

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i use chrome but i also acknowledge that it’s not the best browser

i just don’t care enough to switch


I’m surrounded by heretics.

what extensions do u need that chrome dont got?

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At this point I’ve basically accepted that Google knows all my personal information


Last I checked some of my script blockers weren’t supported on Chrome.

I have two for blocking stuff like that. IDK which u use, but Ublock Origin works pretty great for me

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actually i swapped it to just ublock. Just rechecked. have almost never seen those kind of popups/scripts

i got a script blocker or two :eyes:

im too lazy to migrate to a different browser but chrome has enough addons to work with

atp i have enough memory where having a tab of chrome up for the forums aint doing shit to affect it. So idk my situation is a bit dif than most others

i use opera gx :^)

it’s fake, Chloe is immune

I was going to write a wallpost but I’m too lazy for that. Ublock is a nobrainer and should be used by everyone, but it primarily blocks ads and separate elements – I have addons that block or allow specific scripts.
Instead of having to go back to my flags and remove an element that I wanted blocked for 5 seconds, I can just forbid the script. Also these aren’t all because some extensions are outdated by now, but that’s what I use.

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Still better than Chrome.
Oh and Chrome’s design is physically repulsive.


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You mean

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Time zones doubt exist

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main reason i use it is because it lets me limit it’s memory and CPU usage and ad block comes installed by default

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