Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


I didn’t say I was good at it

in this case I used the heuristic ‘if someone who usually has basically reasonable opinions expresses an obviously silly opinion that they’ve recently implied they disagree with, they’re probably joking’


Thank you Arete, this will be a very helpful addition to my “How to human” folder.


Also hello Emilia.

Yes, because it’s so hard to tell when someone is joking/being sarcastic.

Summertime and wintertime are made so I can sleep longer :upside_down_face: I love them

I can hear a static noise whenever I launch Chrome. I learned it was because of the built-in flash player.
That no longer happens on Firefox. Never have I looked back. I’ll keep my open-source browser with full functionality + efficiency thank you.

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why are you taking advice on How to Human from me

is it weird that this made me happy to hear

A small part of my faith in you was restored.
Even if you are levelling a vulpera.

Because you are clearly better than me.
Also I need it to successfully complete my mission to invade this pitiful planet.

why is 75% of this folder advice from chloe

Because it’s not. You haven’t given me any worthy advice yet.
Or if you have, it’s less than 2%.


close enough

italy makes up 70% of anstreim’s “Religion” folder inside the how to human folder


50% of it is cult but since i’m such an amazing cultist i make up 20% of that too

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I would say that Cult takes more than 50%, but I’ll give you that second part.

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this is almost definitely untrue

are you saying the cult is bigger than antiknightism

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we are clearly equals

You fool, the Cult IS antiknightism.