Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You are just wasting onions on subpar food.

Continuation of “I am not living in poverty” series

I am not living in poverty

but my favorite food is instant noodles and eat at least four packets + rice in one sitting before I am satisfied

…have you tried the spongebob box tho

good bye likes


am i the only one that doesn’t know what this is


this is the only box mac n cheese i like

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I’m not living in poverty but back before the pandemic I ended up eating a lot of instant mac and cheese and minute rice on days when I forgot to go to the dining hall


Also all this food talk makes me wish for food capsules even more.
I don’t want to bother with preparing and arguing about food. I just want my sustenance in a pill so I can forget about eating forever.

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fun fact
I experimentally tested out that instant noodles are bad for you if that’s the only part of your diet

head start getting a little doozy after the 6th day


ive never eaten this but it is not shaped in spongebob so it cannot be good


What will happen if I say I’ve never tried Mac and cheese

Why is everyone eating Mac&Cheese out of a box wtf?

if food capsules became the norm

i would literally buy a farm and pasture and grow/make my own damn food

food is one of the best things about life

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I loved that so much that I ate it every single day and now I can’t stand it

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you’re like 2 years old it wouldn’t surprise me :^)

I’m sorry but even the package screams “cheap third rate pasta and a milk product named ‘cheese’ in a box” to me.


what about the taste
what about chewing
what about the pure joy of feeling food going down your throat and into your stomach

I guess I expected too much from an oyster hater

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store bought mac and cheese is disgusting, yes.
But where I live, it is absolutely possible to make it tasty at expensive restaurants.
It’s probably different where you are since mac is inherently an american food so of course the highest quality mac will be findable only in urban america.

Why does this look like something you would eat in a bomb shelter when the apocalypse inevitably hits the planet.

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