Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

no i mean like an actual series on yt

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of vodka?
now admittedly im not an expert in the subject but i feel like thats not exactly a small amount to get blacked out by

depending on the size of the bottle a half-bottle of vodka could be like stomach pump territory

yea alcohol is like one of the stronger drinks


im not drunk i swear

unfalse, if you ask me

Ami you are so drunk that you are defying the timeline.

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do you want me to do a sobrierty test

Would it be better if I said no.


I use dark darkmode

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can I interest you in


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go here

make an account
go to themes
select “allblackeverything”

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I honestly wish these forums had a lot more themes like MU does.
There are so many to choose from and most of them look good.

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Maybe you’ll find an acceptable theme

And also gain the ability to read frostweaver :eyes:

I’ve already found an acceptable theme, Amelia.
It’s named Light.

obligatory sadness from someone who hates alcohol but has been forced to drink it weekly for religious purposes for like a dozen years