Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

but whatabout xyz

but what about blahblahblah

shifts goalposts™

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mods gay

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to be fair I think that time extensions should only be for really extreme circumstances

and that most circumstances that are sufficiently extreme (e.g. ‘the forums were down for 20 hours’) are also circumstances where the hosts should extend the day without being asked

I was making a joke about you using whataboutism

International Holiday

I’d want to say I knew that when I replied
But my reply didn’t continue the joke
So eh

Also player replacing in 1 hour before EoD on an early day

emergencies is incredibly malleable
it’s ultimately host decision on the matter so case by case

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Theres a lot of reasons you shouldn’t allow pre-signups.

The first thing is that you are taking away an equal playing field for everyone and giving certain people who know their schedule in advance a advantage in joining the setup.

The second thing, that if I remember correctly was a problem (I may be misremembering something @icibalus please tell me if this was the case or not in one of your games I forgot which one but it was a long time ago) , was that people who pre-sign up, are more likely to replace our/be unmotivated in games compared to people who /in regularly due to the distance in the start date compared to their in date. As well, having to cancel because they were too busy and didn’t expect it

Third, if people can pre-sign up and then out with no consequences, why shouldn’t everyone pre-sign up before a game. Imagine a game getting filled due to pre-signups.



Unless there is a system to ensure that only players with a good reputation on this website can do pre-signups. :thinking:

The host can choose to allow them or not
They can choose to agree with your reasons or not

The host can choose to disallow them or not
They can choose to agree with your reasons or not

we’ve had several games recently fill in the span of a few hours

this disadvantages people from certain time zones, who might be asleep for the entire time that sign-ups are not filled

allowing pre-ins equalizes this by allowing people who are particularly excited about a particular game to be able to secure a spot regardless of their active hours


I think a fair solution is to allow pre-signups 24 hours before signups are posted

but then again

that might just come the new signups

If someone can’t be online when signups would be posted due to conflicts with the host’s schedule yet really wants to be in that game, should you deny them for arbitrary reasons of fairness
People won’t impulsively join as many games as possible as soon as possible.
You are building a case off of a flawed concept
On average not everyone will have the same perspective about games, leading to not everyone instantly wanting to join that game

In the case of things like FoL, hosts may choose to not allow favoritism for joining since it is the premium setup of the forum

this requires evidence to back up these claims

that’s just allowing sign-ups but with more steps

Why do you think I pinged icibalus