Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

get dunked on

bank runs do in fact exist

could you expand on that thought?
I’m not sure I entirely understand

that’s a challenge

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instead of allowing everyone who wants to, we just allow certain people who would get screwed over

I was thinking of making a joke using @everyone prove them wrong


that’s wotm

geyde if you host a 1player game imma pre-in

watch me


Fill d6 mafia before signups are posted
Gamer time


That’s not

But yeah kind of curious if we ran a poll wonder if people would run it or not

because obviously the number of people who would allow a bank run here is x>0

alright, fair
it’s a specific reason for letting people in preins

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I agree with that reason
But with signup thread opening times being fairly malleable, preins should be able to have some wiggle room

Bank Run is now a new mafia term:When players /preinning a setup causes it to fill

all opposed say I

is this how mafia terms are made?


Bank Run Mafia
Mountainous but everyone who pre-ins gets a private chat with everyone else who pre-inned