Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



or you can know that that button does exist

then go into f12 menu and copy the massive list on a text editor

and that everything is in line except for one thing


If you click it, you have to watch the entire thing btw. You’re legally obliged to do so in that case, trust me.
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people on this thread

I’m at the 1 minute mark
and i regret clicking that link already

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Okay so
Never tell yourself that youre “going to get out of bed in a few minutes”

I totally didnt just sleep for almost 12 hours


Oh, I do that all the time.

Sometimes even multiple times within a couple of hours.


6:30 AM
“Okay so I’m just going to lay down for a couple more minutes.”

7:40 AM
“Welp, that backfired.”
“Okay so I’m just going to lay down for a couple more minutes.”

8:50 AM
“Welp, that backfired.”
“Okay so I’m just going to lay down for a couple more minutes.”

9:30 AM
“I should stop doing this and just get out of bed.”
“So I’m just going to lay down for a couple more minutes.”

10:15 AM
Finally get out of bed.


can’t relate

Of course not, you go to bed at 7 AM.

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I am now a lvl 105 furry
I could not be more proud

My next step in becoming a furry must be to get a fursona, custom made

Wonder what my dad would think of comissioning someone to make me a fursona, I think it’s a very intelligent idea, he’d definitely say yes



i’ll let you handle kyo


Well, errr…
Kyo, feel free to chat to me about it all.
As a furry of almost 4 years, I might be able to help.

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what’s wrong?

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This is what I did today, after going to sleep past midnight, and needing to wake at 8:25 to get ready.

6:00 AM
Wakes up too early.
8:20 AM
The alarm wakes me up.
8:22 AM
“What am I doing still laying down? If I lay down for two minutes I’m going to stay down all day.”
8:25 AM
Gets up.