Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)




i cc the prince more often than i should

admittedly i don’t do it as BD that often

‘no one would fake Mystic, this is a safe push to waste a bunch of time’ - Arete the Sellsword, 2020, moments before deathtunnelling the Sorcerer

Telepathy: Observer does indeed have Telepathy. Pardon me, I’m legitimate.

Also this reminds me of a game where I claimed Mystic as an Apostle with Mystic in game and almost got him executed.
Then our CL voted to execute the Fool and lost our Eradicates, which in turn lost us the game. Kat was in that game.

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All caps talk bad

I was trying to use disproportionately many caps (obviously within the bounds of the rules) to distract the court from all the actually relevant information

because Sellsword

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But all caps in general bad

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and im the one who correctly convinced court that you were the better execute in every world :sunglasses:

Weren’t you the one preaching that it was the most “logical thing” to do anyway.

tempted to play a game of tol
fake claim prince early
see what happens

you had a higher chance of being fake

and if you weren’t fake then we get 2 scum for the price of 1

so you were lower risk and higher reward

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So in the end your push wouldn’t matter since anyone competent would come to that conclusion :^)

no, because i said that while the real mystic was upped on stand!!

i think

You die

I still managed to survive for one day after that by the way.
And of course the only time I bank on Mystic not spawning it spawns so. Would’ve been an easy way to get CK otherwise.

“Because nobody except scum fakeclaims”™

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oh yea
i forgot the average iq of the tol playerbase :^)

forgive me for what im about to do

anstreim x cult king


if yesterday’s games are representative of the average game quality, the second does not imply the first

This is the only of the two ships that I will happily accept.

The second one is Cultstreim, where its CK/CL/Anstreim :^)

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