Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Thanks for being interested in becoming a Guide. Each guide has generally been with us for a lengthy amount of time, is knowledgeable, advocates our game, has read our Wikia, helps new players, contributes to multiple parts of our community, and plays ToL all the time.

There is no formal way to apply to become a Guide, for now. We choose based on those that have been the most helpful to new players, don’t break the rules, and participate often within our community. We’ll find YOU, if you stand out :slight_smile:

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us mac nerds cannot rise up out of this oppressive system

we cannot play ToL if we do not have ToL

and so our voices will not be heard

and mac support will never happen :sob:

tho I understand why it’s just sad

i know theres a discord channel for workarounds

i just don’t know how effective they are

I looked

I think the only working ones are for linux

i got a friend on mac but i think she dual boots into windows

Basically a game where people gather at a table for dinner potluck but someone didnt bring food to it or brought human meat so people are angry. Thus the appointed king, who could also be a human meat lover or secretly not bring anything, which is usually the guy that hosts it and his fellow pot lockers try and find out who didnt bring food as these people do devious things like bleed in the punch or poison the mash potatoes the kill eachother. There are four main factions, the Blue Dragonfruits. They are normal potluck guests and being various foods and drinks to enjoy. We have the Unseen Food Bringers. They usually help carry others food in to try and look like they are a member of the Blue Dragonfruits as they recruit fellow lazy people to not bring anything. You have the Cult of Mithras a group of crazy people that always bring meats to the potluck but it’s actually human meat. Then u got the neuts. They are the ones who bring weird shit like avocado deviled eggs. Replacing the yellow goodness of egg with green glob of rich kids. And the Neutral Killers who are just mass murders who were for some reason invited. Press buttons and point at random people til someone gets kicked out of the party. Do that for like 5 days straight til one side wins with some of those weird neut fellows.



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Game where you click buttons and can’t self vote + ate
Almost as bad as FoL


how fucking dare you describe avacado like that

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Are you SURE you can’t do this?

I can’t self vote
The game won’t let me

you can ATE but you can’t self-vote

Ok this is more a jab at certain irl person. Who said they were bringing deviled eggs and brought this shit that no one ate and self vote. It was a ruined Thanksgiving if u ask me

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ATE and suicide :wink:

you can make people vote for you

This sounds terrible out of context.

I selfvoted in fol already before it was technically possible
Same in tol


whenever I roll Fool they’re like ‘yeah, these logs that have you visiting a jailed person successfully seem legit, pardon’

“im knight”

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