Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

that was one of the problems but there were more, yes. i can’t remember exactly because I don’t have access to the documents where the reasoning is discussed any more but there were more reasons

This is Why lying darkness won


neuts that can safely openclaim D1 are badly designed

fight me


(this isn’t including things like Inq, like, Inq being able to openclaim D1 because neuts in is one of the few things I’m willing to actually just say is a playerbase problem rather than a design problem)

oh no i’ve missed a meme

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I fight you easily
Cuz this is not a balance problem

If your neut is BD-sided enough to be able to safely openclaim it should just be a BD class


on the top of my head i can think of 3?

  1. picking 2nd contract = bad
  2. stand guard being confirmable = bad
  3. contract merc is inherently swingy

first 2 are easily fixable
3rd is less so

yes it is

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A year ago most d1 neuts got killed or executed
Same system. Just more neuts out mind set.

look I think the problem is that Alchemist is actually not BD-sided but it gets away with open-claiming because the game has developed this culture that both dislikes lynching people without red peeks on them and has devs actively say #NeutsIn in the #News channel sometimes (I assume that is still the case.) They don’t even need to spread #NeutsIn anymore, because the game has already developed this culture in which killing neutrals is seen as this social faux pas.

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killing neutral claims is rarely worth the time

BD don’t usually have a lot of KPN and lynching a neut is suboptimal most of the time

this is part of why i want another BD Killer with some sort of vig archer

Don’t kill neuts for no reason reeee :stuck_out_tongue:

claiming alchemist is a reason

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Scorned/Inq are both reasonable amounts of -sided

Merc is too BD sided, Alch is probably slightly too BD sided but varies a lot depending on player

Sellsword is just a Lost Wolf and that’s not really super interesting

also Scorned’s wincon is the most pro-BD neut wincon in the game

if I evaluate Fool based solely on how -sided it is it’s in a decent spot but if I evaluate it based on literally any other criterion it should burn

Her* targets :angry:


i cannot stress this enough
alchemist is already a kingmaker, and with the fact that BD KP is limited, especially near endgame, they basically always side with wolves
but they also have a fucking vig
on a purely theoretical base that should make you a lynch candidate

Idk when this was, Ive never seen that, and most of our guides+/mods are def not neuts in

his targets*

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