Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

my favourite stuffed toy when i was a kid was a stuffed bear
he was called Bear

Workout zarya is the best zarya skin because shes hot af

Fight me mr lifeguard cree

if i didnt sleep with a living cat i’d probably have a stuffed one still, too

no shame

mr lifeguard cree is a god damn hottie

I can’t participate in this discussion because I don’t play overwatch :sunglasses:

Overwatch=bad game

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yes but carrying chloe is fun :sunglasses:

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Okay i agree

I wanted to use this as part of my argument for why your tastes are bad but i agree with you so my argument is now null

Lifeguard cree good

Fortnite = Worse Game


also Ici it’s funny you mention that because this cat’s name is Orange Kitty


Thats a cat?

fortnite’s actual game is decent, it’s the whole fact it’s a walking advertisement designed to trick children that i dislike


im not saying he’s what you’d call a male parental figure

but he definitely could be

That… did not look like I expected it to.

my cat is valid :angry:

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I had one but my brother took it.

Bear could take Orange Kitty in a game of Connect 4 any day.

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The ones I still have are the dog, the bear and the polar bear.

That bastard took the rest of them.


Did someone say Overwatch? One of the ToL moderators plays Overwatch.