Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Which tbf I did

Although I maintain because it is true that my intention from the start was to purposefully re-eval people

Then their answers didn’t let me lel

fair point

also tbf this is not something I exclusively do as scum

See, like, most of my recent town games

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yes but
those things take effort to good at
and i want to be good without effort
please let me click buttons and win



but alice

italy is joking about being lamb

we should totally ritual kyo as they are the most trustworthy bloodmage so they can kill apprentice

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i think i have an inherent dislike for thread bullies so i wolfread them

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oh hey, my cue to go to sleep

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i always wolfread players who are the most pushy and highposting people in the thread

does it make you feel better to know that I had a ToL game yesterday that was lost for BD because I trusted mechanics over social reads

I still won, despite being the first convert of the game on N4, but that’s beside the point

and i know it’s bad, for the record

you are insane

All in all Vul I think you, when it mattered most, listened to the correct voice in your head

And that worked out incredibly well

You should be proud of it, despite the 50% chance nothing changed, because it was the right thing to do, and it really paid off

you just saw into the future so you knew you would get converted tbh

i mean most people in thread haven’t slept yet afaik

don’t only point me out :angry:

Plus that part is a byproduct of other people being wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

i won’t deny you played well and i lucked out a little though


It’s 8:40 AM

Everyone should have woken up not not gone to bed

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i’m trying to change my play into “don’t clear anyone” and i think it’s working out a little better

If I hadn’t died I’d be saying the exact same

i know (okay im only like 80% sure) arete hasn’t slept yet

nor has chloe if she’s still around

and i haven’t :sunglasses: