Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

We had already channeled people fighting with their priests

dead chat works if you don’t mind only being able to discuss at night and having corpses eavesdrop on you

Since last hydra game we probably all know now that hydra dissonance is nothing scummy, since most town hydras had different reads

Priest listens to dead chat and finds Possessor has jumped someone.

Doesn’t the channeled person get removed from deathchat?

doesn’t say they do


quoting from the thread is so stressful because i always feel like i’m going to end up accidentally hitting reply or something


alternatively icibalus x manti

like come on
in storp ici gets manti to do his bidding
ici puts a manti in his bastard game
the signs are all there
it is known


Does that mean a channeled person can talk at daytime to both deadchat and game chat? That sounds exactly like what we removed a few months ago, because it was really cancer

i think manti actually haunts ici’s dreams
and also ici whenever he wakes up and can’t move

We had a game completely ruled by deathchat, dead people had more influence than alive ones ^^

look I didn’t technically know that JRRSA Token was manti

also in the end CatgirlMaple declared independence from me, failed to shoot GH, then died

/in as voudon

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a catgirl thing to do

I’m not talking about botf and I have no idea what that is, my cute knight

Voudon Makes Sense In Bad Moon Rising™

it reverses the game so only dead people can vote and the living can’t vote, only nominate
the Voudon can always vote though