Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Turbos are more fast-paced, so people have less time to think their posts through.

Because of that, it’s easier to tell who’s being fake.

It’s more similar to real life, and I’m good at IRL social deduction.

Idk if that makes sense but it does to me.

Hmm I suppose that is a reasonable scenario.

Meanwhile I’m out here posting like it’s a turbo in every FM game lol

Last game I saw you in you posted mostly walls so doubt.


Does that mean you post walls in turbos?

don’t you hate the buildbattle players who intentionally give the lowest vote to all builds and then the best vote to their own just to win

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Why is there 400 posts

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why did I read all of them


I liked your previous cat pfp better, tbh.

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Test for dummies.

I promise this isn’t a rickroll.

Aaaaand, done. I win a cookie.

That’s how you celebrate eevee victory?


can I has a cookie?

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