Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

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fuck that hit hard

this is pure chaos wtf.

Also isn’t off-topic getting removed at the start of May?

we have to start mirroring in reverse

Nah, we reached goal.

fuck that hit hard

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uh I think we get another month at least cuz patreon

Not if we reach the donation goal for it.
Oh you said start of the May. Yeah we reached it for this month.

then why do you love germany

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technically germany doesn’t have a gender :eyes:

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jesus I hate discourse.

It’s better than pages.

then why do you occupy majority of Germany?

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then why do ppl call it fatherland

Why can’t Belgium have flaggus?

test test 123


Uhm… what areth thou testing?

(insert non pg-13 response)


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