Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

While I’m forced to stay alive until the very end to behold that idiocy.

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I want neutrals to be in two categories:

  • Neutrals BD want to keep alive and don’t want to waste KP on as they will always benefit BD.
  • Neutrals who are exclusively evil. This also has to benefit NK as well as Unseen/Cult

here’s an idea
I’ll run an EFoL with your suggestions if I get off my ass and actually work on it (plus I kind of lack the concepts to make this work)

I think idea has some merit

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in one of the games it was D3 but based on the number of BD who were dead (including the Prince) we were in a position where even if we lynched scum literally every day we could still lose

in the other it was D2 but it was a super scumsided EFoL set-up (like, so scumsided that evils, on their own, had more than majority on D3 without any form of vote manipulation)

so like

not lategame by day count but lategame by BD’s position

could you reply to this post with one that fits into each respective category

Also what is this

Why does it seem like the only use this would ever have is using it on King’s guards but haha
You are the king

in the first case the Scorned was also mechanically confirmed

one of the issues with leaving Scorned claims alive in ToL is that sometimes they’re evils whose logs were proven fake

Unless you want to harm NK/Mastermind which is uh
Not something you should or want to do as a Neutral Evil

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That’s what I was implying but I guess I worded it weirdly.

Also wait, were you talking about FoL this whole time while I have been talking about ToL.

You also had outed fake logs for like three days and didn’t die.

note the ‘cannot be healed tonight’ part of the card
it can also help killing nks…if you for some reason want that

“Target player cannot be protected tonight”

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Can we change


Mark (Night) - Guarantee a player’s death if they were intended to be attacked tonight. - 2 uses

I no longer remember which game that was.
All I remember is having to suffer as CW.

Note: Only for King version

You were converted and then immediately stabbed me


Depending on how powerful you want it you could have this as well

It’d prevent occupies on the attacker

Oh, the game where final 4 were Noble King and 3 healers.
Yeah, I remember that lovely game. I literally outed a fake aid to mislynch someone. Not much I could’ve done there.

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