Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

If you were delivering papers for the company beforehand and you’ve got at least a National 5 qualification you could probably get a journalism apprenticeship ngl

Trying to escape your country

Sorry, Ottomans also own that sickness.

if you own a bicycle, you can likely do UberEats/Doordash/Grubhub deliveries - but it’s harder to find orders that are in a good bike-range.

I’ve done a few UberEats deliveries on my bike

setting a mousetrap without a permit is punishable by fine and jail time - California State Law


this is still the best thing i’ve ever done

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As Ottomans I always do the progamer move of never attacking Serbia.

Oh wait that’s legal
Damn guess I’m a criminal :sunglasses:


Watching K-Pop
I believe that’s a crime in NK

Fun Fact:
If you don’t attack Serbia or Wallachia as Ottomans and ally Poland, you won’t get Coalitions.

In the state of Florida, a special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.

porn is also an option
but you are 14 sooo

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That’s a really good one.



here we have someone who said “I’d rank a 3 on the weirdness scale”

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why even suggest that

but there might be a grey area for feet so uh get to sellin

Pretty sure it’s not illegal to view it underage.

there’s like a whole bunch of ridiculous state laws in the US

listen here cloned
theres a market for trans porn

imma be fuckin capitalizing on it

What if you wanted to have a PG-13 forum

But Ami said literally anything